Ed Fordyce
"Complexity Is The Enemy Of Execution!"
Are you experiencing burnout, unfulfillment, or lack of direction? This continual misalignment with work, values, interests, and purpose allows even the top performers to be continually exhausted with their lives. Ed Fordyce is a professional speaker, mentor, and real estate coach who inspires and implements sustainable plans to allow top performers to avoid burnout, grow with purpose, and make their lives a masterpiece. By utilizing a team of professionals, cutting-edge personality assessment, and over 20 years of experience, Ed Fordyce creates personalized life and business blueprints that inspire, motivate, and light souls on fire so that individuals can make their dreams a reality. Alignment is EVERYTHING & that's why I created the "B5 Method."
~ Build Your Brain Learn how to build that muscle, and how to use brain chemistry to have the edge so that you can focus and be excited every day!
~ Build Your Body Like it or not it is vital that we move our bodies every day. When we do this, it not only builds physical muscle, but emotional muscle, because subconsciously we are building self-esteem and self-worth that leads to undeniable confidence.
~ Build Your Business Tap into your unique strengths to 10X your results! You will learn the science of achievement, and how to execute a personalized marketing strategy.
~ Build Your Brand Learn how to become MicroFamous, and create a vision of how your community will view you & fall in love with you! (Yes, I used the L word)
~ Build Your Bonds We can succeed and feel we are on top of the world, but if our most important relationships are not solid then we have failed and I will not let that happen.


Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
Howard Thurman
